Whole Human Coaching

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Moving from survival to thriving: Recognizing the signs and taking action

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into a pattern of merely surviving rather than thriving. But how do we recognize when we've slipped into this mode?

And more importantly, how can we make the shift towards the better?

At Whole Human Coaching, we recently explored this topic in the episode Thriving vs. Surviving of our Getting to Unstuck podcast. There are some key signs of being in survival mode, and recognizing them is the first step to reclaiming your clarity and, ultimately, your ability to thrive where you are.

Being in survival mode can be the result of a culmination of many factors in our lives, but the signals are often very similar:

Survival mode is a state of existence that often feels like being stuck in quicksand. 

  • It's characterized by feeling trapped, powerless, and disconnected from our authentic selves. When we're in survival mode, life becomes a series of tasks to be completed rather than experiences to be savoured. We may find ourselves going through the motions, merely existing instead of truly living, and this lack of passion or purpose can cast a gray hue over our existence.

Often, survival mode seeps into our relationships, causing them to suffer. 

  • Our connections with others may become strained as we retreat inward, consumed by our struggles. Meaningful interaction with others replaces joy and fulfilment with tension and misunderstanding. Our mental and physical health can also take a hit during this time. Stress, anxiety, and exhaustion may become our constant companions, leading to a downward spiral of overall well-being.

One of the most telltale signs of survival mode is the feeling of being a victim of circumstance. 

  • In this state, blaming external factors for our situation is familiar. We might feel like we're at the mercy of the world, caught in a storm without an umbrella. This mindset creates a belief that life is happening to us, as opposed to us actively participating in and shaping our journey. It's a passive, reactive stance that strips away our sense of agency and control.

Trust, or more accurately, the lack thereof, is another hallmark of survival mode. 

  • As our worldview becomes increasingly negative, our trust in others may start to diminish. We may begin to see others as potential threats rather than allies, further deepening our sense of isolation. This lack of trust can lead to feelings of loneliness and alienation, adding another layer of distress to our already burdened state.

But it's important to recognize that we have the power to change our narrative. Shifting from survival to thriving begins with reclaiming our choices and taking small, intentional steps toward a more fulfilling life. This can be as simple as making a different choice in our daily routine or exploring new interests and hobbies. 

It's about shifting from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance, from feeling like a victim to becoming the architect of our own lives.

Ultimately, moving from survival to thriving is a deeply personal journey. It requires introspection, courage, and a willingness to embrace change. But by recognizing the signs of survival mode and taking proactive steps towards a more fulfilling life, we can create a future that is rich in meaning and purpose.

If you're ready to take the next step towards thriving, we invite you to explore our coaching services at WholeHumanCoaching.com. We can help you challenge your limiting beliefs and create a new, empowering narrative by providing tools and strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals.

Together, we can break free from survival mode and embrace a life of possibility and growth.